18 Months - 4th Grade
Looking to serve? Contact Natalie Cope @ 501-658-3439
2019 - 2020 Awana Enrollment Form
Awana at Renew meets on Sundays from 4:00-6:00 pm.
Start Date is September 8th, 2019. September 8th is Parent Night, we will ask all parents to stay 4:00-5:00 pm.
There is a registration fee of $35 per child, or $100 cap for families with 3+ kids registering. For our 18 months - 2 year old program called Puggles, dues are $15.
Dinner - Dinner is offered after Awana for just $1 per plate. It is served at 6:00 pm each Sunday evening. Please send $1 with your child for dinner. You are invited to eat dinner with your child after Awana also. Your plate is also just $1!
AWANA Enrollment and Dues Policy – Children are considered enrolled when all dues are paid, all forms are submitted, and there are enough volunteers to staff the classrooms (5 kids per leader ratio). Costs to run Awana are substantial, but worth it. Enrollment fees help cover some of the book, apparel, patches, awards costs.
Submitting form and payment – Please complete registration forms online. Payment online accepted, or by submit a check (payable to Re:New Community Church) to the Awana Table in the lobby on a Sunday prior to September 8th.
Refund Policy – Full refunds are provided for children that withdraw prior to October15th, less the cost of the handbook.
Volunteer Policy – Awana’s Key Principle #5 is: “Awana is built on strong leadership.” Our Awana Club relies on active parent involvement, and Awana provides a great opportunity to serve God together as a family. If no adult from your household is able to serve as a regular weekly Awana volunteer, then we ask that one adult be on the Reliant rotation list, and serve in Children’s Sunday School a few times during the Awana Club year.